Extracts from the report:
“This final report for the BI-International (BII) is titled, ‘Comparative library considerations for the curation of history of education collections.’ The report is the summation of a professional librarian visit to Germany by a Canadian librarian, Pia Russell, who is based at the University of Victoria (UVic) in British Columbia, Canada.
This professional visit was conducted during a portion of a six-month study leave which is an opportunity full-time and continuing librarians at UVic are able to benefit from every six years. This visit to Germany was part of a larger three-month research trip throughout various libraries, archives, and institutes in Europe.
Curating the British Columbia Historical Textbooks collection (BCHT) at UVic is a role I have actively engaged in for ten years. Throughout this time, I have developed my knowledge of critical textbook scholarship and the importance of the GEI within this discipline has been clear from the outset. As my work with the BCHT evolved, visiting the GEI became an important goal as I knew how impactful the visit would be to the development of my professional skills with these unique historical print sources.
The leading objective was for me to meet with my professional counterpart librarians in order to learn and share best practices about how their curation of historical education collections may be similar and different to my own curatorial work as UVic’s librarian responsible for the British Columbia Historical Textbooks (BCHT) collection.
It was also an enormous privilege to have a comprehensive tour of the print and digital collections of the BBF. Particularly noteworthy was learning about differing cataloguing practices (for example, by chronological assession, not publication date or subject) as well as how BBF colleagues provide thorough climatically safe facilities for preservation and treat controversial titles for sensitive access.
The whole report is available to be read in its entirety here.