
Report for the Study trip to Germany

Egan Ioana, Pop Diana, Suciu Marian and Vidruțiu Cristina visted Libraries in Berlin, Potsdam and Dresden and are sharing their impressions here

“From 9th to 13th May 2022, our group of four librarians from “Octavian Goga” Cluj County Library made up by Egan Ioana, Reading Room librarian, Pop Diana and Vidruțiu Cristina, Children’s Department librarians, and Marian Suciu, librarian at the Traian Brad” Branch visited three important libraries in Germany. These were the Berlin Central and Regional Library (Zentralund Landesbibliothek Berlin), Potsdam City and Regional Library (Stadt und Landesbibliothek Postdam) and Dresden City Library (Städtische Bibliotheken Dresden).”

Read more about thier Study trip to Germany in their Report (here)

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