
8th Bibliothekskongress / @bibtag22 in Leipzig, 14-17 March 2022

Safe the date: The 8th Bibliothekskongress or in English the German Library Congress will...

The 8th Bibliothekskongress or in English the German Library Congress will take place from 14-17 March 2022 in Leizpig, organized by BID, Bibliothek Information Deutschland, the parent organization of BI-International. At the same time, it will be the 110th Deutscher Bibliothekartag DBT.

New partner country will be the Czech Republic.

The congress motto is #CreatingFreeSpaces #FreiräumeSchaffen

Hopefully, the congress might take place on site. Nevertheless the development of the pandemic will be observed and considered.

You may find more information on the congress website (in EN and DE)

There is also a special Twitter account, you may follow: @bibtag22 or

Image: Jens Schlüter, 2016

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