
Sustainability-oriented libraries and art lending programs

In October Pablo Bruno D'Amico travelled from Argentina to Bremen and Hamburg to gain a unique insight into their library infrastructure, innovations, and cultural significance and to participate in professional exchange

“On October 25, I conducted a virtual presentation for Bremen Public Library staff and colleagues interested in learning about public libraries in Argentina. This event underscored the cultural exchange component of the visit, providing a platform to share insights on our library practices with a wider audience. Later that day, we visited the Hamburg City Library, further enriching this cross-cultural exchange.
Typically managed and sustained by their members, bibliotecas populares offer valuable resources for information, education, recreation, and socio-cultural engagement through a diverse collection of bibliographic and multimedia materials. Their origins trace back to the Reader’s Clubs established by Benjamin Franklin in 1727 in Philadelphia, along with similar experiences in the United States focused on community libraries in small
towns and cities.
Notably, I discovered their innovative art lending program, which allows patrons to borrow works of art, primarily paintings—a service I had not encountered in other libraries. Additionally, they offer a “library of things,” where users can borrow tools and even access to a food bank. […]

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