„Libraries are special places. Without them, we would have no concept of culture. They offer solutions to every question and information on every field of knowledge, and people of all ages can access them easily.
As library is considered to be the core heart of each institute/university/organization and the high standard library Defines and reflects the standard of the respective organizations.
At both the City Center and Vaihingen location there are individual workspaces in the reading room area available that you can use.
Please take note: Most users want to use these workspaces to concentrate on their studies. Therefore, please respect this and maintain silence in the reading room. For group studies please use the workspaces in the entrance area or the Learning Center, additionally in Vaihingen also the Mathematics and Physics Libraries. Thank you very much.
Scientific research produces a wide variety of digital data. Technical management of the research data is required for the permanent and structured storage of primary research data. This is the only way data can be found again and used again. The university library is therefore part of FOKUS – the competence center for research data at the University of Stuttgart and operates the research data repository DaRUS together with the TIK .
The library catalogue or OPAC (Open Public Access Catalogue) is the web front end of the library system aDIS/BMS for users of the kiz library services. The OPAC allows you to search for information media and offers a range of self-service functions. This includes, for example, account details, pre-orders, reservations, or inter-library loan.
All individuals who are eligible to use the kiz services receive such an account. Non-members of the University can get an account under the provision that University members are not negatively impacted.„
The entire report can be read here.